‘f¦ΒΙίι‘ S 1- 101- 201- 301- 401- 501- ΕV50
ΞμΨΜI[iCgjb|X[p[ in iλλjQ
- 87 FΌ³΅ΊBF2003/10/14(Ξ) 00:34
- yC@Mz
μe€e)|| Some call these girls the greatest entertainers on Japan - dance and sing on the stage -
@@@@@@@ defying physcial limitations.
μ eΝOXBut the risks these girls take are great - graduation- careers ended in an instant -
@@@@@@@@yes, this is entertainment, but the hazards are real
μe€e)||- no matter who you are, whatever you do,
μ eΝOX@μe€e)||o
|f@@@ D
f¦ΒΙίι S O100 100 ΕV50