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EXPOまんが の スペ イン
- 1 :yukiko:2004/04/21(水) 23:55
- http://saloncomicmalaga.webcindario.com/ スペインじん の WEB です. Salon comic Malaga EXPO漫画 (まんが) です. In menu red we have a gallery called “ galeria” where have pictures of スペインじんのまんがか.
わたしたち have BBS called ( call ) FORO ( forum in english ).new topic is “nuevo tema” for register in BBS ( Foro ) go to register , registrar usuario and you can whrite in this Bbs . We have a Chat (チャット ). Write your nick and connect .
In Barcelona we have other expo まんが
http://www.ficomic.com with 50.000 人
in this expo have shops with Jmusic , CDs os morning musume and in spain stay more fans too.
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